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Book Antique Trader Ser.: Antique Trader Furniture Price Guide by Kyle Husfloen in DOC, TXT, PDF


Antique Trader Furniture Price Guideexamines all major styles of American and European furniture from the seventeenth century through the mid-twentieth century via a review of beds, benches, cradles, sofas, armories, and more, complete with furniture dating chart, price guide, and more than one thousand color photos., This third edition of Antique Trader Furniture Price Guide is filled with completely new detailed listings covering all types of furniture from the 17th century through the late 20th century. You'll find nearly 1,200 listings, most illustrated in FULL COLOR. While a majority of the pieces are American-made, you'll also see examples of fine English, French, European and Oriental furniture. Valuable features include: Nearly 1,150 full-color photos to aid in identification, A furniture dating chart, An illustrated guide to American furniture terms, Appendix listing major auction services, An appendix offering illustrated stylistic guidelines. Whatever your preference, all major categories of furniture from the past are included in this comprehensive, full-color pricing and identification guide. Book jacket.

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What do a fashion mogul, a Williams-Sonoma executive, a museum curator, and a design-savvy actress have in common?Using diaries and poems as the mobile media of imperial connection, Elleke Boehmer reveals the 'cross-border poetics' char shaped British and Indian cultural movements alike in the decades before the Great Wax.Many of his poetic, precise and unique pieces, like the expanded-metal-mesh How High the Moon Armchair and the acrylic, aluminium and paper-flower Miss Blanche Chair, are still highly prized, collected by museums like MoMA and the V&A and sold at auction.At that time, national influence wasn t measured by sporting success, musical or artistic influence.Richard Thompson's wonderful watercolor and fun, imaginative drawings have garnered the attention of highly acclaimed illustrators all over the world, including Bill Watterson and Mo Willems, who have each written a foreword for his first two collections.", Cartoonists are passionate about Richard Thompsons work, and his is the only cartoon to be endorsed by Bill Watterson.This raises complex questions both about the authorship of Hurley s photographic and filmic texts which were often produced and presented by other people and about their ontology, since they were in a more or less constant state of re-assemblage in response to changing market opportunities.