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Ebook Research Ethics : Cases and Materials (1995, Paperback, Annotated) DJV


"The book provides opportunities for unusually good discussions of ethicalproblems that can confront researchers in any field." --Religious StudiesReview "... this book provides a ready-made package for the teaching ofethics in research." --Journal of Third World Studies "... ResearchEthics is an extremely useful and stimulating book... recommended for wide classroom use on both theundergraduate and graduate level as well as for all academic library collections."--Journal of Information Ethics "... an excellent introduction intoresearch ethics." --Journal of College Science Teaching "A usefulsupplement to faculty teaching courses on scientific ethics and a resource for instructors who givelectures on the topic in more general courses." --Robert L. Sprague, Director, Institutefor Research on Human Development "This book is important because it definesand clarifies subtle ethical issues present but not necessarily easily recognizable as such in theeveryday conduct of research." --Doody's Health Sciences Book ReviewJournal "A very useful text for courses dealing with ethics in the researchsetting." --Science, Technology & Society "... a welcomecollection of materials that can be used in a variety of ways by those who are genuinely concernedthat scientific research remain faithful to its ideals." --American Journal of HumanGenetics "This clearly written, reader-friendly book addresses the needfor systematic education in research ethics and suggests that researchers themselves are the bestteachers for their students.... The scenarios are realistic..., well presented, and organized arounda series of topics that are both diverse and relevant to the practicinginvestigator." --American Journal of Psychiatry "... a landmarkteaching tool... " --Science Books & Films [an "Editor's Choice"book] "I think this book is an excellent introduction into researchethics. The material is presented in an exceptionally thought-provoking manner, and it serves asa reference guide and as a source for seminar topics" --Robert H. Tamarin, Journal ofCollege Science Teaching This comprehensive casebook for teaching research ethicsin the sciences and the humanities covers such topics as plagiarism, confidentiality, conflict ofinterest, fraud and misconduct, the reporting of data, and the participation of human and animalsubjects in research. An annotated bibliography will help instructors identify resources to use assupplements to cases, assist readers who are developing courses in research ethics, and aid furtherresearch on the subject.

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