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No-Nonsense HTML and CSS : A Guide for People Who Just Want to Get It Done read ebook FB2, PDF, MOBI


You need to get a website up, now. It needs to look professional, but you don't have the time to hire and wait for professionals. HTML isn't that hard, right? So why are all the books on it five hundred or more pages long? Can we just do this thing? No-Nonsense HTML and CSS helps people just do it. It cuts through the huge stack of parts to focus tightly on fewer than 50 components you need to build an attractive website. Those key components will help you create the site you need, streamline your work, and build a solid foundation for future development., p>You need to get a website up, now. It needs to look professional, but you don't have the time to hire and wait for professionals. HTML isn't that hard, right? So why are all the books on it five hundred or more pages long? Can we just do this thing?"No-Nonsense HTML and CSS" helps people just do it. It cuts through the huge stack of parts to focus tightly on fewer than 50 components you need to build an attractive website. Those key components will help you create the site you need, streamline your work, and build a solid foundation for future development.

Book Ben Henick - No-Nonsense HTML and CSS : A Guide for People Who Just Want to Get It Done DJV, PDF, MOBI

Alex knows he's gone too far when he brags his way into a battle of skills with T.J.The necessary fundamentals of probability theory are included, as well as an introduction to renewal, Poisson and Markov processes.In Shenkman's zany history, nothing is as it seems and world luminaries are treated as actual human beings.But help is on the way: Barbara Reich has all the strategies for staying ahead of the curve-and she's wrapped them up into four easy steps that can be applied to any organizing project: purge, design, organize, and maintain.There's no choice but to put Cinders--a rescue horse with an attitude--to work at her very first fire, one destined to become one of the greatest disasters of the nineteenth century!But that is often easier said than done.Offering a no-nonsense approach to the problems faced by correctional officers, correctional managers, prisoners, and the public, this solutions-focused book will be a vital resource for students of criminology., Key Issues in Corrections is an engaging textbook critically analyzing the most important challenges affecting the correctional system in the USA.Filled with submissions from readers of her popular website, this laugh-out-loud funny book features cringe-worthy exchanges with parents, friends, significant others, and co-workers that contain some of the most unintentionally hilarious--and mortifying--mistakes ever caused by Autocorrect.And it gets him into MAJOR-LEAGUE trouble Even Alex knows he s gone too far when he brags his way into a pitching contest with T.J.Keith Granet'sThe Business of Design will help get you there faster, creative talent intact." - Marc Appleton"You can do anything you want in life if you dress for it," says Edith Head inHow to Dress for Success.But that is often easier said than done.Tread lightly, novices.Our entries draw as much as possible from Robert Jordan's abundant notes, in order to show the reader what the writer wished to note for his own reference.Written by leading experts in autism research, food, nutrition and dietetics, the book cuts through the jargon to offer readers a no-nonsense, accessible and authoritative overview of how diet might affect some characteristics of autism, and provides a range of useful recipes and handy hints for making mealtimes fun for children with autism and related conditions who are embarking on such a dietary change., Once considered a rare condition, increasing numbers of children are being diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum, making it one of the most common and often challenging childhood developmental diagnoses.Whilst experts around the globe strive to unravel and truly understand how autism develops and presents itself, comparatively little is still known about the condition despite decades of research and investigation.